Board of Directors
The Bedford Chamber board is comprised of 15 volunteer members from different industries including, tourism, retail, manufacturing, education and healthcare. The diversity of the board allows for a constant stream of new ideas and fresh perspectives. Most members of the board serve three year terms, ensuring continuity and clarity in our message. The Membership & Communications Director, as well as the CEO of the Chamber report to the board on a monthly basis.

Alyssa Prince, Chair
JA Benefits

Eugene Kim, Past Chair
Bill C. Brown Associates

City of Bedford

Maria Edwards, Secretary
Hoosier Uplands

Charlie King
Hoosier Hills Credit Union

Andy Fortner
Magic Morning Bakery

Craig Turpen
Turpen & Deckard, LLC

Victoria Dinges

Kelly Nicol
The Benish Group

Kristi Kyger
IU Health Bedford Hospital

Kim Burgess
United Way of South Central Indiana

Brandi Weyer

Leah Lynch
Hampton Inn

Alana Foster
Bedford Federal Savings Bank

Jarad King
NSWC Crane

Tony Mottley
General Motors