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Business After Hours

Business After Hours is our monthly networking event that takes place every third Thursday of the month.  From 5-7 PM each month, a Chamber member will host these events that give other business professionals an opportunity to network and connect.

The cost to host is $300. $100 goes towards our monthly cash prize drawing!! Members must be present to win, and the money will roll over if the person draws is not in attendance. The  BAH Host will work with caterers for food and drink options for attendees, and take advantage of showing off their organization.

In 2024 we are offering an incentive and asking our hosts to go the extra mile with THEMED BAH’s! At the end of the year, our members and Board of Directors who attended BAH’s all year will have a chance to vote on their favorite BAH of 2024! Let the games begin!

Attendees are encouraged to bring business cards to network. If you are new to this event, seek out one of our helpful Chamber Ambassadors and let them show you around and meet some more members!

If your business or organization would like to host a Business After Hours in 2025, please contact Sally at (812) 275-4493 or

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